How to screencast on Ubuntu using FFmpeg

How to screencast on Ubuntu using FFmpeg — 6 minute read

Screencasting, for the purposes of this post, is where you want to capture a video of your screen, plus the audio of your voice sync’ed with your video.

Recently, I have been running a slew of webinars, and so I have been searching for a way to figure out how to record myself without having to rely on whichever webinar platform I happened to have used.

The main point in recording your webinars is for replay-ability, and for this, you would ideally upload them to your choice video CDN such as Youtube or Vimeo. However, they tend to get interrupted for a variety of reasons, such as the webinar platform itself being flaky. This results in several unintended “intermissions”, and these are the parts that you’d preferably want to redact from the recording prior to uploading it.

It turns out that there are lot of different video editing software available, however, they tend to offer more features than you actually need. Specifically, in the context of screencasting, the typical use case is very straightforward:

  1. Slice the original recorded video(s) into pieces, and then
  2. Stitch them back together into a single video

There is no need for fancy features such as transitions, multiple overlays, or anything else that would necessitate that the video be transcoded.

Enter FFmpeg permalink

As it turns out, there is a low level video processing tool which has all the features necessary to both record a screencast, as well as perform the split-and-stitch type post-processing: FFmpeg.

Perfect for some experimentation!

Recording permalink

(1) Get screen dimensions

If you have a single monitor:

xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions/{print $2}'
# 2560x1080

If you have multiple monitors, select one of them:

# ...
# HDMI-1 connected primary 2560x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 798mm x 335mm
# ...

xrandr | awk '/connected/{print $4}' | grep -oP '\d+x\d+'
# 2560x1080

(2) Use ffmpeg to start recording

The following records sound via Pulse Audio, and video via X11:

ffmpeg \
-video_size 2560x1050 \
-framerate 25 \
-f x11grab \
-i :0.0+0,30 \
-f pulse \
-i default \
-ac 2 \

The dimensions for my screen are 2560x1080, however, I wished to trim the top 30 pixels off to remove the operating system status bar. To do this I use a video size of 2560x1050 (subtract 30 from 1080), and specify an input offset of :0.0+0,30 (x-axis offset of zero, and y-axis offset of 30).

I was not able to get FFmpeg to talk to ALSA properly, however Pulse Audio appeared to work just fine.

Reference documentation from FFmpeg:

(3) Kill ffmpeg to stop recording

Hit Ctrl+C in the terminal to kill the process. FFmpeg writes to disk as it records, so the file is already there and ready to be played.

Post-processing permalink

Post-processing is, unfortunately not as straightforward as recording. FFmpeg provides the basic tools necessary for this, however it is very tedious to write all the commands by hand.

To solve this, I’ve written a script that automates this process, and it is available on npm: screencast-splicer. It is still proof-of-concept quality, so YMMV.

(1) Create an instructions file

To use this, create an instructions.json file, which contains an object that contains just one key, events, which is an array.

"events": [

Each event is an instruction in this array is to get a particular part of a recording.

"sourceClip": "rec-01.mp4",
"sourceStart": "00:05:10.0000",
"sourceDuration": "00:15:10.5000"


  • sourceClip: The name of the file from which to extract the clip
  • sourceStart: The exact timestamp at which the clip starts. Format is hh:mm:ss.tttt (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds).
  • sourceDuration: The length of the clip. Format is the same as that of sourceStart.

Putting that into a concrete example, let’s say we recorded two files rec-01.mp4 and rec-02.mp4, we can create the following file, and save it as instructions.json:

"events": [
"sourceClip": "rec-01.mp4",
"sourceStart": "00:05:10.0000",
"sourceDuration": "00:15:10.5000"
"sourceClip": "rec-02.mp4",
"sourceStart": "00:00:25.0000",
"sourceDuration": "00:32:15.5000"

(2) Run the screencast-splicer tool

Like so:

npx screencast-splicer instructions.json rec-spliced.mp4

This will generate a shell script with the various FFmpeg commands that are necessary to create rec-spliced.mp4, which should be about 45 minutes long, containing about 15 minutes from the first recorded file, and about 30 minutes from the second recorded file.

(3) Run the generated shell script

This will create several temporary files, one for each of the events defined in the instructions file, a text file needed by FFmpeg; and will delete them plus the script itself automatically upon completion.

Most importantly, you should now have your intended rec-spliced.mp4 file.

Reference documentation from screencast-splicer:

Thoughts permalink

I’m amazed by how many features the FFmpeg tool packs. Truly amazing what it does!

That being said, there is something that feels “unresolved” - that I’m still looking for a proper means to accomplish. From what I can tell, during the split and stitch operations, FFmpeg does not use the exact seek start and stop times, so clips may start slightly later than they are meant to, or end slightly earlier than they are supposed to. Sometimes this appears to affect audio and video channels separately. This is more of an issue when joining multiple short clips, and not so much with longer clips.

Suggestions for improving this are very welcome!