SASS in 5 minutes

— 6 minute read

SASS - syntactially awesome stylesheets - is a meta-language that compiles to CSS, that has gained much popularity of late. Having learnt it recently, I thought to put together some material that would cover the breadth of the topic so as to codify my own knowledge of it. After all, "while we teach, we learn."

This is a brief overview, and assumes prior knowledge of CSS - don’t expect a deep dive!

SCSS vs SASS permalink

Valid CSS is valid SCSS, but invalid SASS.

To get SASS from SCSS, you simply discard curly braces and semi-colons ({};), relying on whitespace indentation instead, the same way blocks are implicit in python/ coffeescript. Another difference is that for mixins, instead of using @include, and @mixin, you use + and = instead.

I have chosen to write all the examples below in SASS over SCSS for the sake of brevity, and you can easily obtain SCSS by applying the reverse of the instructions above.

Import permalink


@import "nav.sass"
@import "_heading.sass"

If a SASS file’s name is prefixed with an underscore _, it is considered a partial, and will not be compiled into a CSS file. In this example, we will have an app.css and a nav.css, but not have a heading.css.

Nest permalink


  width: 100%
    color: #fa0
    color: #0e7
  .d &
    color: #333


.a {
  width: 100%;
.a .b {
  color: #fa0;
.a.c {
  color: #0e7;
.d .a {
  color: #333

When nesting selectors, the nested selector has an implicit parent selector, and a space prefixed. If you wish to get rid of the space, or for the parent selector to appear after the nested selected, as with the cases of .c and .d respectively, you have to explicitly specify the parent selector using the & symbol.

SASS makes it easy to do nested selectors, but remember that its output is still CSS. Stick to a maximum of 3 levels of nested selectors.


    family: Arial, sans-serif
    size: 18pt


.a {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 18pt;

Properties can also be nested, where they have matching namespaces - i.e. hyphen (-) separated property names.

Variables permalink


@import "_sety.sass"
$x: 1.5em
$y: bottom !default
  font-height: $x
  padding-#{$y}: $x + 1.0em


$y: top


.a {
  font-height: 1.5em
  padding-top: 2.5em

$x will always be set to 1.5em, whereas $y will be set to bottom, only if it hasn’t already been set, perhaps in an imported file.

RHS values may use the variable name directly when referencing it, e.g. $x; whereas LHS values - usually property names and selectors - must escape the variable Ruby-style, e.g. #{$x}.

Mixin, Extend permalink


=boxsz($type: border-box)
  -moz-box-sizing: $type
  -webkit-box-sizing: $type
  box-sizing: $type

%bord border: 2px solid

.a @extend bord +boxsz


.a {
  border: 2px solid
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box
  box-sizing: border-box

Mixins are blocks of reusable code, which can accept parameters.

Mixins should be defined before they are inluded - import order matters.

Here border-box is defined as the default value of the $type parameter.

A % preceding a selector denotes it as a placeholder selector, meaning that it can be referenced by @extend but will not output to the CSS file. If you remove the % symbol, it becomes a regular selector, and will be output to the CSS. Use placeholder selectors to reduce bloat.

Use mixins when there are variations when reused, use extend when there are no variations when reused. Thus, if you find yourself using a mixin without a parameter, you may consider switching to extend.

Functions permalink


@function calcwidth($w)
  $fullwidth: 720px
  @if $w <= 72px
    @return 10%
    @return percentage($w / $fullwidth)

.a width: calcwidth($w: 360px)


.a {
  width: 50%;

Here we define a function calcwidth that takes in a single parameter that has no default value. This function has a single local variable $fullwidth, and makes use of the inbuilt SASS function percentage. This function also uses an @if .. @else conditional block to specify a minimum for its return value.

This function is called from within the .a selector. The parameter has been passed into this function using a more verbose syntax, which is usually used for functions with many parameters.

Colour permalink


$mycolour: #fff
  background-color: rgba($mycolour, 0.75)
  color: complement($mycolour)


.a {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.75);

SASS identifies where a colour is used in the rgba function, and automatially converts it to the expected format.

Iteration permalink


$dirs: top left

$m: 5px $y: 0 .a @each $dir in $dirs margin-#{$dir}: $m $m: $m + 10px @for $x from 0 through 1 .for#{$x} left: $x * 100px; @while $y < 3 .while#{y} left: $y * 100px; $y: $y + 2


.a {
  margin-top: 5px;
  margin-left: 15px;
.a .for0 {
  left: 0px;
.a .for1 {
  left: 100px;
.a .while0 {
  left: 0px;
.a .while2 {
  left: 200px;

SASS provides three different means to perform iteration: @each, @for, and @while - in increasing order of verbosity and control afforded.

Media Queries permalink


=respond-to($mediaProperty, $expectedValue)
  @media ($mediaProperty: $expectedValue)

.a +respond-to(max-width, 520px) width: 100%


.a {
  width: 100%;

This pattern utilises media queries to detect if the current device’s max-width is 520px.

The mixin in this case is passed not only parameters, but also a block. The mixin accesses this block using @content.

This pattern is useful in creating responsive design targeting multiple devices.